About Me
Welcome to Ferdysjoy! My name is Jenny. I am a special needs mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend. My son was diagnosed with autism early in his life. Looking for anyway to support him I researched and became an advocate for essential oils. They helped him so much and eventually I started using oils, too. As months passed, I wondered if there was a better way to apply the essential oils. Searching through my containers of beads I found lava beads. I applied a drop or two of oil and it worked! Throughout the day I could smell my calming oils. It helped me get through a hectic and stressful day. I began making bracelets and clay charms and distributing them locally in shops in my hometown. Now I want to share with YOU!
Aromatherapy jewelry is a great, cost effective and easy way to use essential oils. Simply apply the oil to the lava beads or clay charm and take your oils on the go!
Thank you for visiting my page.
Jenny Zuba